Life insurance may be one of the most important purchases you can ever make. When the time comes, life insurance can help your family pay for funeral expenses, mortgages, debts, and other expenses. One of the most important things to consider when looking at life insurance is to understand the need to replace your spouse’s income in the event they pass.  

There are several options with life insurance today….Term, Whole Life, Universal Life, Single Premium, Cash Value Term, etc. There’s not one option that is perfect for everyone. You need a plan that is tailored to fit your need and your budget.  Our philosophy is to primarily utilize term insurance to cover your main needs.  We utilize permanent plans for estate transfers, secondary savings, and for specific riders such as chronic illness riders.

Still confused?  Let one of our agents sit down with you and your spouse for a free consultation to determine your need for life insurance and how you can properly protect your family.

To get an idea of what a term policy may cost you, click the link below.  Call or email us today and we can finalize your rates and look at all your options together!